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systemic design中文是什么意思

用"systemic design"造句"systemic design"怎么读"systemic design" in a sentence


  • 整体化设计


  • Conceptual design creative design systemic design in mechanical engineering design
  • Systemic design on the city sign
  • To our case of hospital design , the principle could be generalized as systemic design language
  • The idea of the systemic design scheme about the visual measure methods of digital video system is established correctly
  • The idea of the systemic design scheme is established correctly . the related parameters of systern are designed ; 2
    确定了烟叶自动分级系统的总体设计方案及其系统参数; 2
  • In this paper , a development of a new type wshp product matching market ' s demand has been carried out and the systemic design and control technologies was achieved
  • The content of the paper involve in systemic designing project , systemic hardware configuration and systemic testing software , which is designed by adopting modularization structure designing principle
  • Of course , to build theory of the legal philosophy of interests and systemic design of china ' s healthy civil society rely on fast economic development , the root of solving and balancing interests contradiction
  • Fuzzy control is an intelligent control solution without model , which is often used in nonlinear processes . however , the lack of high precision and parameter systemic design methods limited the applications of fuzzy control
  • Further , following the principle of systemic design , the article contains the network system design , database structure design , systemic structural module chart design and the applied program design so as to build the mis of the real estate trade management
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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